
Copyright declaration of TROX GROUP,  2015

The permission, to use, to copy and to distribute the documentation published on this world-wide web server by TROX, is granted upon the following conditions: Each copy must comprise the copyright declaration in full. No part of the documentation can be used for commercial purposes, it is exclusively for information only within an organisation.

All information published on this world-wide web server is merely for informative purposes and does not include any kind of declaration of guarantee neither expressly nor implicitly. This is also applicable to guarantees of suitability for common use, application for a special purpose or of law - however, not limited to this. This TROX documentation may include technical inaccuracies or typographic errors. TROX may from time to time change or complete all and any included information.


Purchase of goods and services is subject to TROX GROUP's standard terms and conditions.

Warranties only apply to explicit contracts between customers and the Company. The details provided in this documentation are for general information purposes only. They are not intended to guarantee any particular product properties or suitability for particular purposes of use. They are only intended as general information. Illustrated products and systems are only intended to show possible product alternatives. The illustrations may also show products and systems that were customised to specific customers’ requirements and are only available in this form as customer-specific solutions. Some products and systems provided in this documentation may show special equipment that is only available at an additional charge.

The details on scope of delivery, appearance, performance as well as weights and measures are valid at the time of the publishment of this documentation and they are subject to change at any time. All previous releases are now superseded.

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Mange tak for meddelelsen!

Din meddelelse er modtaget og vil blive behandlet af vores service center.
Vores serviceafdeling vil snarest muligt kontakte dig.
Til generelle spørgsmål om produkter og tjenester kan du kontakte os på:
Tel.: +45 4914 6633