Udo Jung was born in 1966. After graduating from Kassel University in 1990 with a degree in mechanical engineering, he started his professional career in the R&D department of Babcock-BSH AG, based in Bad Hersfeld, Germany. Over the following five years he worked in various positions in the field of clean room components and systems. In 1997, he joined the fans division of TLT Turbo Lufttechnik – now TROX X-FANS GmbH, Bad Hersfeld – where he eventually held the position of Managing Director. 

Since 1998, Udo Jung has held various positions in the smoke control and fire protection working and expert groups of VDMA (German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association). He currently heads both working groups and is also the Deputy Chairman of the fire protection working group. From 2008 to 2014, Udo Jung was Chairman of the AGE Smoke Control Action Group.

In October 2012, TLT Turbo Lufttechnik became part of the TROX GROUP. From 2013 onwards, Udo Jung was head of product management and safety-related products and systems of TROX GmbH, Neukirchen-Vluyn.

On 14 September 2015, Udo Jung was appointed CEO of the TROX GROUP and has been responsible for product management, production, sales, and R&D.


Since 2021: Chairman of the Executive Board of the VDMA Fachverband Allgemeine Lufttechnik (VDMA's Air Handling Technology Association)

Since 2017: Member of the Board of the Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e. V. (FGK - Association for Airconditioning in Buildings) 

Seit 2016: Member of the Board of Forschungsvereinigung für Luft- und Trocknungstechnik (FLT - Research Association for Air Distribution and Drying Technology. 



Udo Jung


'The "food air" campaign supported the General Air Technology Association within the VDMA and other industry associations is very important to me.' (Udo Jung)

Air is our most important foodstuff! As we spend about 80 % of our time indoors, the topic of high indoor air quality has become into sharp focus.

The campaign's website regularly provides information on this ipmortant topic.

To the "Food air" campaign website

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