Auditorium di Roma - Rome (Italie)

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  • Task
  • Solution
  • Result
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” This sentence also applies for the new “Auditorium di Roma.” Rome’s new concert hall finally opened after ten years of construction. The three scarabs were designed by RENZO PIANO. They look like three enormous beetles. 
The scarabs crouch in a semicircle, facing away from each other at ninety degree angles, around a central amphitheatre. This multifunctional music complex, located between the bank of the Tiber and Parioli hill and the Olympic Village (1960) and the Flamino Stadium, can hold over 7500 people.
Working with the NANENS INTERTECNICA engineering firm of Verona, Italy, we created a ventilation concept that met the most demanding acoustic requirements. The TROX shipment included floor, slot and ceiling diffusers, ventilation grilles and fire dampers. 
The planners also approved of the excellent reputation of TROX products and the tested quality, the reliability of the technical documentation and the professional support provided by our technical employees in every phase of the project.
Installing TROX components provides customers with a reliable system of the highest quality. Here, too, by using flexible and customer-tailored products we succeeded in achieving the best combination of personal comfort, economic considerations and safety.
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