Chambre de Commerce (Luxembourg)

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  • Task
  • Solution
  • Result
For the urban development zone in Luxembourg known as Plateau de Kirchberg, a challenge was sent out to architects around the world to help design the Luxemburg of the future. Construction at that location included the new main administrative offices of the Chamber of Commerce. 
The well known Paris architect CLAUDE VASCONI developed an office building over 30,000 square meters in size, with conference and training rooms. The architectural solution realised consists of four large building sections that are connected by two smaller sections, with multiple large open atriums.
Working with the VASCONI team of architects, the RMC CONSULTING planning centre and the TROX Research and Development Division, we created a multifunctional sail with the highest demands both for design and for the technical considerations of ventilation, cooling, heating and illumination. 
The majestic character of the cooling convector, designed as a bird with its wings outstretched, reflects the elegance of this unusual building. TROX also used products from its fire damper and smoke detector lines to guarantee the building’s safety.
The TROX products used not only fit seamlessly into the look envisaged by the architects, but they even succeeded in setting their own accents. Here, too, by using flexible and customer-tailored products we succeeded in achieving the best combination of personal comfort, economic considerations and safety
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