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TROX Care / Firma / Presse

For the first time, TROX has published a Sustainability Report for the entire corporation. "Sustainability is not static, quite the contrary is true. To act sustainably as a company is an ongoing long-term process that we are promoting year by year, through new steps and measures," explains Udo Jung, Managing Director Sales, Technology, Production. "This report is intended to illustrate what we have achieved to date and how we want to act in the future."

The commitment to playing a leading role in the area of sustainability is also going to be a new and significant part of the company development programme "X-FIT+". The company does not focus solely on new approaches to production and product development in this context. Based on the United Nation's 17 sustainability development goals (SDGs), which are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, TROX has defined six strategic areas: products, production, traffic and transport, infrastructure, social issues and public affairs. All of these goals are part of the new "X-FIT+" programme. TROX aims at being carbon neutral by 2040 the latest.

Thomas Mosbacher, Managing Director Finance and Personnel explains: "An important aspect is that we do not simply strive to save energy. We are also dedicated to leading TROX towards a sustainable and financially independent future, while staying true to our commitment to quality."

"TROX is a foundation-owned company. Sustainability is by definition part of a foundation's essence. His dedication to the company's sustainability was the reason Heinz Trox established the Heinz Trox Foundation in the first place. It is therefore particularly fitting for TROX to define and practice sustainability as part of its corporate DNA. It is also in line with our tradition, as we have always focussed on durability, efficiency and innovation, as well as on social-mindedness and a socially responsible approach," says Udo Jung to conclude his presentation of the Sustainability Report.

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