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Firma / Presse

The latest issue of TROX life is all about air and life, and will be winging its way to you within the next few days. Its main focus is on indoor air quality.

We report on commendable indoor air conditioning projects that have one major goal: to improve the well-being, health and comfort of room occupants. We also cover the latest scientific findings and research projects geared at achieving the best possible room air quality and environment for living, working and learning. And we share some funny air-related facts and anecdotes, too. In an article all about breathing in space, we provide fascinating insights into the latest life-maintaining technology used in aerospace applications. And we take you on a journey to Egypt's new capital, a city situated on the Nile.

The importance of really good, healthy indoor air has not yet been fully appreciated by the wider public. Our hope is that this issue of TROX life will help to increase awareness and broaden understanding of just how important indoor air quality actually is.

All in all, it's another thrilling read!

We hope you enjoy the latest issue of TROX life

TROX life. Air and life. (PDF 4,6)

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