TROX wins hat trick of 'Trustworthiness Awards'

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As part of their 50th anniversary celebration, the German cci Dialog publishing house awarded for the first time a prize for trustworthiness in the ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry. The glittering award ceremony took place on 22 June 2017 in Karlsruhe, southern Germany. 

TROX had entered the competition in four categories and won in three.

• 1st prize: Air terminal devices

• 1st prize: Fire protection components and systems

• 3rd prize: Air handling units and components

Udo Jung, CEO of TROX GmbH, is more than pleased: 'To receive a prize based on customers' votes really means a lot to us. These are prizes for trustworthiness – and trust is something that doesn't come overnight; you have to earn it, through honesty, reliability and continuance. Given the stiff competition, all of us at TROX are proud and happy to have been named among the best in air management and fire protection, which are our strongest fields, and also in the air handling units sector, to which we are comparatively new.' 

70 manufacturers and suppliers from the ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry had entered the competition in 14 different categories, to be judged by experts such as specialist consultants, HVAC contractors, system owners, facility managers and energy consultants. The winners were determined based on 25,600 votes from 536 jury members. Four criteria were assessed in each category, namely 'technical function and products', 'design consultancy', 'after sales service' and 'recommendation'. Questions included 'What has been your experience with a company regarding product quality, design support and after sales service?' or 'Whom do you trust so much that you would recommend them to others?'

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